Ever wondered how a bird poo mask would be like? In this post I review the uguisu poo mask

I first saw the Uguisu poo mask on a random video I somehow stumbled upon. I remember after the girl removed the mask, her skin changed dramatically.  It much was clearer and brighter than before. After watching that video I always made a mental note to buy the mask if I ever see it. Somehow I got my hands on the Uguisu poo mask and in this post, I will be reviewing the mask

What is the Ugusu Poo mask?

Ever wondered how a bird poo mask would be like? In this post I review the uguisu poo mask

Two words. Bird poo. Yep. People have been using bird poo mask since 400 years ago, especially by geishas. But don’t go running out and start grabbing random bird dropping on the street though. These bird poos are not from just ANY bird. It is farmed from a specific type of bird in Japan called, Japanese Nightingale.

Although it is possible to buy raw unprocessed Japanese Nightingale droppings there are lots of potentially toxic material in them.  This mask uses enhanced uguisu poo, which means all the unwanted materials like ammonia, dead debris, and uric acid are filtered out. By enhancing the mask, it allows the mask to be 4 times more effective than if it was regular.

Before the bird droppings become a mask, it goes through a series of process to become the final product. It first requires 2 weeks of drying out in the sun. After it has been all dried out, all the unwanted material is filtered out, sterilizing it making it 100% free of bacteria and dirt.

What is so special about it?

There are 3 special ingredients in this mask

It contains Guanine

Guanine is responsible for leaving skin bright and shimmery. So much so that people have complained that their face several shades lighter than their body.  The Japanese Nightingale is rich in Guanine because they have a shorter intestinal tract, leaving the guanine in it fully intact.

It contains Urea

Urea is known for their moisture locking properties, which helps hydrates the skin and prevent wrinkles and other sun damage.

It also contains Proteolytic enzyme

These enzymes are important to prevent anti-aging. It converts collagen and other important protein into smallest amino acid, making it easier for it to be absorbed into your skin. According to their official site, proteolytic enzyme is the main reason why your skin is left looking smooth, poreless, youthful and brighter.

What I thought of uguisu poo mask

At first, I was really afraid of using the uguisu poo mask. I mean how did they even came up with putting bird poo on your skin? After opening the package, somehow my nervousness turned to excitement. I mean, what if this was a miracle product?

I mixed the powder with warm water, and the once beige powder turned into a thin paste that applies slightly clear to the skin. After 10 minutes the semi-clear liquid dries into a beige color.

It was quite easy to rinse off the uguisu poo mask . Much easier than most clay mask. However, one thing bugged me. There was a slight smell. Kind of obvious if you ask me, kind of like a slight old musky dirt smell. The site did say it has no smell though…

Here is a before and after picture I took

In the before picture, my skin looked evener. However, my skin looked a little brighter in the after picture. It looked like there was a slight glow after using the product. My skin looked brighter but in comparison, my dark circle also looked darker because of the contrast. I am kind of undecided if I like this mask or not.


Would I repurchase the uguisu poo mask again? I am still on the fence about this one. Although there was a slight brightening effect, I don’t know if it is worth the hassle. Buying online is one thing, but the smell also bothered me as well. I would probably buy mask if it was ever on sale, but probably not full price.

Rate: 3.5/5


Have you tried this mask before? What did you end up liking the mask?

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