Fungal Acne 101

Hello! To Fungal Acne Safe!

It is Michelle the writer from dearbeautyadventure.

On my blog, I always wrote about my journey through the skincare world.

After my long journey, I found out I had fungal acne. After testing countless products and switching back and forth between a fungal acne-safe and a normal routine. I have realized that to really be fungal acne free, you need a fungal acne safe routine.

Whenever I cave and go back to a normal routine, my fungal acne never fails to come back. So that is why I have decided to dedicate a blog that will help others with their fungal acne.

My goal is to help others to find fungal ance safe skincare that is so good that you don’t need to go back to a normal routine.

That is not to say, I will never try out non-fungal acne safe products. I will sometimes introduce products that aren’t fungal acne safe, if it is amazing and might be worth your time.

On this blog, you will find resources to educate about fungal acne but also some fungal acne safe skincare reviews and recommendations.


Some Resources That Might Interest You:











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