A note to my myself

Okay. This might come off cheesy and cliche but sometimes you just need to hear those cheesy things to make you feel better. If you think you are ugly or think that you are anything but beautiful. Which is probably any but true.  I have 3 words.

You are beautiful. I know. I know. Don’t cringe. If I have learned anything in my life so far it is: WHO CARES what people think! You are beautiful just the way you are.

Whether it is your height, your nose, your weight. Love who you are. No one can be you but you!

Ever since high school, I have always hated my freckles. People would always comment on my freckles. I mean, how many Asians in your lifetime have you seen with freckles? It isn’t common. That’s why I always felt ugly, and it didn’t really help when you have pretty sisters. Constantly everyone would comment on my sister’s beauty and tell them to enter beauty pageants. Me?  Well, I never got that.

That being said  I was always on the lookout for a miracle cream to make the freckles to disappear. It also didn’t help that when I went traveling to Asia many of the sales ladies immediately recommended me a fading cream for my freckles.

I have tried many products. And NONE of them worked and you know what? I don’t care anymore. It is a part of me. It is what makes me unique. The mixed looking Asian with freckles. That’s me. And I don’t care that I don’t look like the typical Asian. I probably won’t ever be 5’6 or weigh only 45kg, or look like the typical Asian.

I accepted who I am, I probably won’t turn heads but I know I am beautiful.

Just love who you are. Cuz I will accept as you are. <3


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